This week has definitely been a rollercoaster. Some highs, some lows. Overall, I am complete in Christ and for that I am thankful that even when the low times roll around, HE has me in the palm of His hand and reminds me of His promises in my life.
It's not always easy to be working as a servant for the Lord. I mentioned to my husband a while back that even though i'm not working out of the Church in ministry just yet ;) , I am still ministering to lives and encouraging those around me to follow Christ. When God sees a willing heart, He uses you.
I've had many burdens on my heart lately from people calling/talking to me about not knowing what to do in their paticular situation; yet, they come to me for guidance. I'm so blessed with the opportunity to be able to help a person find their joy in life or a way out, but sometimes when God calls me to work for His Kingdom I feel like it's when I need a pat on the back, someones asking me to pat theirs. When I need a hug someones asking me to hug them, when I need to be encouraged, someone is asking me to lift them up-that's ministry to the T. It's exhausting, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm so thankful that when i'm at my lowest points in life, when i'm tired or weary Christ challenges me. Someone might say that's crazy to be thankful for that, but God stretches my faith, He squeezes more out of me when I don't think I have anything left He proves it is HE who works through me cause if it was my works I'd accomplish nothing and give up long before Christ ever would. Glory to you Father, you are so worthy of my praise.
God also reminds me," Esther, You were made to be a blessing." And if that is my only purpose in life, then I gladly accept it.
Genesis 12:2 says," I will bless you with abundant increase of favors and you will be a blessing dispensing good to others." Everytime you think anything good about anyone verbalize it-Joyce Meyer. I like that quote from Joyce because it is true, our thoughts have power and may affect others' confidence level in a minor way, but our words can really lift them up and encourage them. All people need affirmation especially those who have been emotionally wounded or hurt by someone. A very close sister in Christ has been battling with this very exact thing. She opened up to me recently and with positive words, encouraging words, and God's words spoken through me have helped deal with her burdens. God is so good, I tell ya. He moves in situations by what we speak. I encourage everyone to remind themselves what God says to me"YOU are made to be a blessing." Bless those around you with something small, something big, a few nice words, a friendly smile, more importantly show God's love. You'll never know how your words can change lives, break chains, move mountains, and break strong holds until you speak them, *In Jesus mighty name of course*
So Father, I thank you, I thank you for all the above, I thank you for living in me, for trusting me to work for you, and for loving me the way you do. Just as you speak encouraging words to me, help me continue to speak encouraging words to those around me. Help us all remember we are made to be a blessing.
I love you Jesus,
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