"Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn." Romans 12:15
So most of you reading this probably know the story that happened this last thursday November 5th. I'll take you back to the day from my perspective. I was sitting at my desk after returning from lunch and I noticed my phone going off my husband called me from a friends number because he had lost his phone earlier that day and as we were ending our conversation all I heard was a speedy, "Ok baby I got to go I love you bye!" and He hung up? I thought umm ok maybe he has something really important to get too and sure enough after about 30 minutes my sister text me saying "Did you hear about the shootings in Ft. Hood?" My jaw dropped and immediately I searched online for the news. Sure enough it came up that there were at least 2 gunman, 7 dead and 30 wounded. Oh my stars, I began to panic, sobbing and couldn't control my mind. I pictured my husband laying on the ground either wounded or dead. I tried to shake that out of my head, but he had lost his phone earlier that day and so getting a hold of him to confirm he was ok was impossible. I tried dialing out to call my dad (who is my Rock & Christian mentor) but I couldn't because of all the calls I was recieving from worried family and friends. I tried to gather myself, but it was the hardest thing to control. By the time I reached with my dad he had already heard the news from my siblings calling and well, in about 5 minutes calmed my raging waters, I'll never forget his words--"Esther, calm down now", he said "Do you believe in God?", "yes dad you KNOW I do!" At this point I got frustrated because I had no clue where he was going with the conversation.... "OK" he said, "Then do you believe He protects us, do you believe He covers us with his blood and He is with Stephen and this moment?"
I hesitated from holding my breathe trying to not cry.... "Yes dad I do" "And do you believe God has a plan for Stephen to work in ministry?" "Of course I do dad he was called to preach at the age of 2" I said, then Dad replies, "Then quit crying!" (lol it is funny to me now, but at that time I was like uhh rude?)
He said "Do NOT fear Esther, fear does NOT come from our God-- be strong in Jesus name!" Then he led us into a prayer to ask protection over Stephen, our friends and to prevent anymore deaths.
I tell you what it would have been nice to have talked to my dad FIRST! After freaking out on everyone else, he completely calmed me down and made me realize wait a second there is someone greater than any evil monster out there that is in control, whom shall I fear? WHAT shall I fear?
Shortly after that I heard from Stephen, and hearing his voice was the best thing that I heard that day. I love him so much. He said "Baby I'm fine, don't cry, I have a gun in my hand and promise you nothing is going to happen i'll be ok!" Well of course I believed him, but still had to say baby be careful! (it's a girl thing I guess)
If anyone knows my husband knows he is a hard charger, he would have loved to be in the middle of a fire fight because he believes in what he does! He is a warrior and sometimes I have to tell him, baby i'm not a soldier when he gets in his soldier modes lol. Nonetheless, I'm proud to say he's my personal G.I. Joe and all american Hero!
A couple hours went by and they had the gunman, (come to find out a woman cop brought him down! Woo hoo girl power all the way!!)
This trader happened to be a major in the United States Army, what a shame! He turned on his battle buddies because of his religion. I'll keep my opinion to myself on this to not offend anyone, but this man was heartless, a jerk and in my judgment used by demonic powers.
After work that day I headed to my pastors house for comfort and also because I had been locked out of my house. We only had one key at the time and it was on Stephen. Ft. Hood was locked down, no one could get in or out. Around 9 pm that night Stephen called and said his troop got tasked out to guard the crime scene, I was sooo upset. After a day like that then to sleep alone with my daughter! Ugh I couldn't believe it because I had never wanted to hold my husband and kiss him as much as I did that day. BUT I didn't get too. I slept alone and scared, it was awful. Got only 2 hours of sleep. I am very thankful to ALL my family and friends that were there for me, supporting me, sending my positive and encouraging messages, comments, texts etc. If you were one of them and are reading this I'll say it again, Thank you! You were my rock and I could not have gone through those 48 hours without you and my God.
Friday came around, same thing. Post was up and running, but Stephen was still on lockdown guarding the crime scene. (which he later told me had to sleep next to the building where all the fallen soldiers were :( poor thing I felt so horrible for him)
I missed him so much and I couldn't even go to post to see him. I constantly watched the news--in total 13 deaths and 30 wounded. (My husband talked to a witness that was there 3 people in line behind Hassan and i'll leave the stories she told him out because they make my stomach turn, It's truly a tradegy.) I am so proud of the woman cop who brought Hassan down because she prevented more deaths and wounded people. She is recovering right now and so is he. Last I heard he was off the ventilators and is breathing on his own, which is a good thing..my husband says they want him alive. Haha, hmm wonder why? Whatever they do is their business, but I plead Gods mercy on him because its not going to be pretty.
Saturday evening came around and the hubby came home! The longest 48 hours of my life! I tell you what it was such a great feeling to see his face and KNOW he was all in one piece. I love that man so much I seriously can not imagine what all these families, friends and battle buddies are going through. My heart is shattered for Ft. Hood and all those that are mourning. My prayers are constantly with them. Church service on Sunday was catering to our Veterans and those affected by this tradegy. Lots of broken hearts out there. At the same time it is amazing though to see the community rise up and be so supportive. Theres been a lot of blood donations, lots of food and voluteers helping out in Ft. Hood in anyway they can. A good thing that came out of this my husband said is though Hassan took many lives and ruffled our feathers, we are now closer than ever and more determined to fight against terrorism because that is exactly what this was. A terrorist attack.
God I do thank you for your hand of protection over Stephen and all those we know. I know that sometimes we question you on why these things happen, but ultimately God you are in control. You are all knowing, but I just ask that you give all the grieving families peace that surpasses all understanding and that you strengthen our military even more than they are. Thank you again Father for your protection and allowing us to rest assure that when we call out your name you come to where we are and you cover us under your wings. What an amazing God I serve. I love you I love you I love you. Your mercy endures forever.
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