CHRISTIANS – Why did your God make the 7.3 Haiti earthquake this afternoon? Was this divine justice, or what?Christians, would you like to applaud your “loving” God on the earthquake he allowed to happen in Haiti?
These are articles that I have been seeing blow up over the Internet OR-- "If God was real, then why did he let such an earthquake hit Haiti?" My answer--Because HE IS REAL. Look at the Old Testament, what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah? They were displeasing the Lord entering in distasteful relationships-or what about when God flooded the earth? Disobedience to His living word is something God will not put up with. Unfortunately, for Haiti there are innocent people that do believe in the Lord and practice Christianity, but how can God bless a country founded on voodoo and witchcraft? They need a miracle.
These articles got me thinking so I began reading up in Revelation about the end of the world. This is no revelation of God, but I feel it is so very soon. The more I read His word, the more things add up. Look up Matthew 24:7 it talks about earthquakes in various places,(according to statistics there has been 299 earthquakes around the world--(many of which are small and don't reach the news) in the last 7 days) famine in the world. Look at America itself with how financially in debt we are? We are the most powerful country ;yet, in such crisis. I am starting to see the birth pains the Lord talks about in His word.(verse 7) What I believe He means by birth pains in relation to his coming is--example: a woman when she is in labor, she begins with birth pains-then comes the struggle, the pushing of the unborn baby, followed by relief and joy of a birth. We are at the birth pains, struggles will get worse and worse. Like Gods word says "..increase of wickedness" will come, followed by His coming and to those that are walking in Faith will receive ultimate joy in being in His presence. {How I long to see your face Lord.}
I am not trying to be unkind-I feel awful for Haiti-I do, there are starving children, woman, men, boys, girls, but His word is fulfilling itself. HIS WORD IS REAL. When things like this happen, it shakes me up, it moves me to the realization there are so many people unprepared for our Lord.
"No one knows about the day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. " Matthew 24:36
"So you must be ready because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect Him." Matthew 24:44
His coming is soon. Are you rapture ready?
With prayer & love,
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Funniest Fact, you don't have to read.
Funny fact: I was asked a rather silly question from a friend recently. She said “Esther,what’s wrong with you, you are never frustrated, do you ever get upset?” excuse me while I laugh LOL I replied with a giggle, said “girl, all the dern time.” She said, “but you never show it! Tell me the secret how do I do that?” I said, “well, theres no secret, prayer definitely has assisted majorly…and of course it’s taken some work…I always used to speak my mind as soon as I got mad or frustrated, but I was wrong for it, it got me no where…never changed a situation only made me feel better for a second or two." “Now”, I said, “If I need to vent or get something off my chest, I think for a couple days then speak..and most definitely pray.
Funnier fact : Today I am frustrated. Thought about this, check. Prayed about this, check check. Need to vent, check check check. My frustration: people that preach how they think people should represent Christ as a Christian ;yet, they don’t even come close to the expecations they set for everyone else—and this is something I can not, will not ever understand. I am not perfect, by any means, but if I set a standard for myself then I expect to live it out and if I don't as you can tell from my other blogs I am first to admit it. Forgive me while I ramble—( This is my blogger, these are my thoughts feel free to exit the page at anytime) scriputure says my body is Gods shouldn’t I try to make it as clean as possible: examples, like in my thinking, watching what I see, what I listen too, what comes out of my mouth? One could say, like bad words? Obviously yes, but I go deeper with this. The bible says God knows the intentions of our hearts, so if I think to say something to purposely be hurtful, mean, or just to get under someones skin-I bite my tounge instead. I guess everyone is different, but I just go bananas (silently inside) when someone who protrays to be Christian, and has such a negative attitude, talks about people behind their backs, or even judges everyone who is not just like them. Does that demonstarte Christ? In my opinion no. As a matter of fact He demonstrated the opposite-He sat with sinners and welcomed all. If we feel like we really have the truth to what scripture is saying then I think we should pray that God helps us use wisdom in sharing our thoughts because some people spend too much time feeling sorry for others that aren’t just like them or praying for them to change what they believe into their beliefs. In my opinion what they need to do is spend more time growing with God and learning their bible. My theory for a long time was--worry about yourself and I still think that some should. It has taken me a while to be as confident as I am in what I believe, definitely spent sometime studing my bible to be as open as I am now, and still have so much more to learn! Definitely do not have all the answers, (who does besides Christ we're human and imperfect)...but, I try to be gentle around others that aren’t of the same faith, because I’m slow to judge they’re relationship with God (maybe it’s great and even better than mine, who knows?)…for that is what it is all about, relationship, not religion. Jesus-had no religion.
People ask many times why God doesn’t answer their prayers? I wonder if it has anything to do with them misrepresenting Him.
God, I have many failures and short comings, I ask that you forgive me and teach me where I need improvment.I strive to be just like you. If I have offended you today or anyday please forgive me. I want to come home one day and finally meet the one who saved me. Forgive all that are offensive, please convict their hearts, for all who try to cause destruction, please convict their hearts, for all who are quick to judge please convict their hearts, and above all please continue to convict mine as I need it. Without you Lord, I am nothing.
I love you.
Funnier fact : Today I am frustrated. Thought about this, check. Prayed about this, check check. Need to vent, check check check. My frustration: people that preach how they think people should represent Christ as a Christian ;yet, they don’t even come close to the expecations they set for everyone else—and this is something I can not, will not ever understand. I am not perfect, by any means, but if I set a standard for myself then I expect to live it out and if I don't as you can tell from my other blogs I am first to admit it. Forgive me while I ramble—( This is my blogger, these are my thoughts feel free to exit the page at anytime) scriputure says my body is Gods shouldn’t I try to make it as clean as possible: examples, like in my thinking, watching what I see, what I listen too, what comes out of my mouth? One could say, like bad words? Obviously yes, but I go deeper with this. The bible says God knows the intentions of our hearts, so if I think to say something to purposely be hurtful, mean, or just to get under someones skin-I bite my tounge instead. I guess everyone is different, but I just go bananas (silently inside) when someone who protrays to be Christian, and has such a negative attitude, talks about people behind their backs, or even judges everyone who is not just like them. Does that demonstarte Christ? In my opinion no. As a matter of fact He demonstrated the opposite-He sat with sinners and welcomed all. If we feel like we really have the truth to what scripture is saying then I think we should pray that God helps us use wisdom in sharing our thoughts because some people spend too much time feeling sorry for others that aren’t just like them or praying for them to change what they believe into their beliefs. In my opinion what they need to do is spend more time growing with God and learning their bible. My theory for a long time was--worry about yourself and I still think that some should. It has taken me a while to be as confident as I am in what I believe, definitely spent sometime studing my bible to be as open as I am now, and still have so much more to learn! Definitely do not have all the answers, (who does besides Christ we're human and imperfect)...but, I try to be gentle around others that aren’t of the same faith, because I’m slow to judge they’re relationship with God (maybe it’s great and even better than mine, who knows?)…for that is what it is all about, relationship, not religion. Jesus-had no religion.
People ask many times why God doesn’t answer their prayers? I wonder if it has anything to do with them misrepresenting Him.
God, I have many failures and short comings, I ask that you forgive me and teach me where I need improvment.I strive to be just like you. If I have offended you today or anyday please forgive me. I want to come home one day and finally meet the one who saved me. Forgive all that are offensive, please convict their hearts, for all who try to cause destruction, please convict their hearts, for all who are quick to judge please convict their hearts, and above all please continue to convict mine as I need it. Without you Lord, I am nothing.
I love you.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Twenty-Ten you're my year.
I have decided to post two blogs today. I wasn't going to post this one, but I finally came to a conclusion earlier.. I am ready and thought out my new years resolution. I have tried the typical : lose 10 pounds, pick up a new hobby, or no soda...yah that lasted a couple weeks then I moved THIS year Twenty-ten I had to think long and hard what it was going to be that I exactly, absolutely 100% going to go through with and it came to me. Two things. 1.) Study my bible. Read it from beginning to end. 2.) Be a positive Christian.
These may not sound like the new years resolution you were thinking, but it is so important for me to become the the woman God created me to be..Not to mention I am never satisfied, I always want more of God, and I always want to better myself as a Christian woman. One thing I have realized is as simple as it may sound I really have NO reason to ever be confused about subjects, life, or be stressed. The bible has all the answers I need and yet instead of turning the pages to find my answer I lean on others guidance or my own thought process. I am not saying that doing these things are wrong, but in order to overcome things I need to learn more about God's word. How many times do we go through something and quote scripture to remind us of who is in control? I do. Buuut my problem is I am in need of more scripture. Is it impossible to memorize the entire Bible? Maybe, but I fully believe my Bible is my sword, my path, my compass for this life. It want to know that book through and through because God is important to me and ultimately I want to know HIM more than ever.
My second resolution is also very important to me because I truly believe having a positive outlook in life is living a healthy & Christian life. I am a very happy person so I don't do well with negativity, yet I have found myself being negative at times whether it be at work or at home...I dislike negativity very very much. I'm sure it will happen again, but my goal is to try to remain positive at all times. There is one thing that I will also have to work on--keeping negative people at a distance..if there is one thing I am sure of it is negative people can stain you. There is a difference between being a negative person and being negative about something. I am imperfect so I know I can't always be bubbly, chipper, or positive however, I want to remain ministry minded and keep my eyes on the prize (which is Jesus)regardless of criticism or any other tactic the enemy may throw my way for being Christian. I have faced many ups and downs in my life and I have proven time and time again that trusting in God and keeping a positive attitude about the situation, will equal victory. I've declared it, now help me fulfill it Lord, in Jesus beautiful name-Amen.
I love you.
These may not sound like the new years resolution you were thinking, but it is so important for me to become the the woman God created me to be..Not to mention I am never satisfied, I always want more of God, and I always want to better myself as a Christian woman. One thing I have realized is as simple as it may sound I really have NO reason to ever be confused about subjects, life, or be stressed. The bible has all the answers I need and yet instead of turning the pages to find my answer I lean on others guidance or my own thought process. I am not saying that doing these things are wrong, but in order to overcome things I need to learn more about God's word. How many times do we go through something and quote scripture to remind us of who is in control? I do. Buuut my problem is I am in need of more scripture. Is it impossible to memorize the entire Bible? Maybe, but I fully believe my Bible is my sword, my path, my compass for this life. It want to know that book through and through because God is important to me and ultimately I want to know HIM more than ever.
My second resolution is also very important to me because I truly believe having a positive outlook in life is living a healthy & Christian life. I am a very happy person so I don't do well with negativity, yet I have found myself being negative at times whether it be at work or at home...I dislike negativity very very much. I'm sure it will happen again, but my goal is to try to remain positive at all times. There is one thing that I will also have to work on--keeping negative people at a distance..if there is one thing I am sure of it is negative people can stain you. There is a difference between being a negative person and being negative about something. I am imperfect so I know I can't always be bubbly, chipper, or positive however, I want to remain ministry minded and keep my eyes on the prize (which is Jesus)regardless of criticism or any other tactic the enemy may throw my way for being Christian. I have faced many ups and downs in my life and I have proven time and time again that trusting in God and keeping a positive attitude about the situation, will equal victory. I've declared it, now help me fulfill it Lord, in Jesus beautiful name-Amen.
I love you.
I want to be the greatest.
"... the disciples came to Jesus and asked, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?"
He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:1-4

I remember my when I read this scripture I'm like why would God want us to be like children? Well..that's because he wasn't setting me as the childlike example hah, but on a serious note what this means to me is, what child characteristics are the best examples of what God wants in his people?
"Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven" Most people remember what they were like as children and you may think I don't want to be that way I was fussy, spoiled, shy or whatever it is you were as a child, maybe you were a perfect angel ; however, you may ask yourself as I once did in what way are we to be like children? Are we to be immature, childish, uninformed? No. We are to put childish ways behind us (1 Corinthians 13:11).
But one characteristic children tend to have is humility, as Jesus says in verse 4"Whoever humbles himself like a child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." The humble person is, in God’s way of thinking, the greatest—the best example of how we should be.
This may be because humility is characteristic of God himself. God is willing to give up his privileges for our salvation. What Jesus did in becoming flesh was not some strange aberration in God’s nature—it was a revelation of what God is like all the time. God wants us to be like Christ, willing to give up privileges to serve others.
Now granted, I was a child once too-not all children are little angels (I was a pretty big brat ha) nonetheless-Children tend to be soft, dependent on their mom or dad. We as well should be dependent on our Father who is there at every waking second. He never sleeps. He is always watching closely. He cares about us for we are his children. When we're sick He is by our side. When we need comfort, He brings us peace. I know that I compare myself as a parent to what God is like and as much as we all say we love our children, we will never understand the love God has for us.
You know it's funny because I watch children all the time. I love kids, I even have one of my own and they truly are so sweet. Children do not know color, they don't discriminate--Addie plays with anybody she doesn't care and I think wow, if the world could be a little more like that maybe it would be a better place. God is a perfect God--He knows everything and it just amazes me how scripture gives us hints and pointers of how to live a life that in turn will be a happy life and possibly even a happy world. {Oh how I wish..but one day we will live in a happy heaven :)}
God-I look to you in faith. I want to be just as you describe-a child-not self-sufficient, but totally dependent on you. I trust you to provide all my needs and guide me in life.
your child<3
He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:1-4

I remember my when I read this scripture I'm like why would God want us to be like children? Well..that's because he wasn't setting me as the childlike example hah, but on a serious note what this means to me is, what child characteristics are the best examples of what God wants in his people?
"Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven" Most people remember what they were like as children and you may think I don't want to be that way I was fussy, spoiled, shy or whatever it is you were as a child, maybe you were a perfect angel ; however, you may ask yourself as I once did in what way are we to be like children? Are we to be immature, childish, uninformed? No. We are to put childish ways behind us (1 Corinthians 13:11).
But one characteristic children tend to have is humility, as Jesus says in verse 4"Whoever humbles himself like a child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." The humble person is, in God’s way of thinking, the greatest—the best example of how we should be.
This may be because humility is characteristic of God himself. God is willing to give up his privileges for our salvation. What Jesus did in becoming flesh was not some strange aberration in God’s nature—it was a revelation of what God is like all the time. God wants us to be like Christ, willing to give up privileges to serve others.
Now granted, I was a child once too-not all children are little angels (I was a pretty big brat ha) nonetheless-Children tend to be soft, dependent on their mom or dad. We as well should be dependent on our Father who is there at every waking second. He never sleeps. He is always watching closely. He cares about us for we are his children. When we're sick He is by our side. When we need comfort, He brings us peace. I know that I compare myself as a parent to what God is like and as much as we all say we love our children, we will never understand the love God has for us.
You know it's funny because I watch children all the time. I love kids, I even have one of my own and they truly are so sweet. Children do not know color, they don't discriminate--Addie plays with anybody she doesn't care and I think wow, if the world could be a little more like that maybe it would be a better place. God is a perfect God--He knows everything and it just amazes me how scripture gives us hints and pointers of how to live a life that in turn will be a happy life and possibly even a happy world. {Oh how I wish..but one day we will live in a happy heaven :)}
God-I look to you in faith. I want to be just as you describe-a child-not self-sufficient, but totally dependent on you. I trust you to provide all my needs and guide me in life.
your child<3
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