He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:1-4

I remember my childhood...so when I read this scripture I'm like why would God want us to be like children? Well..that's because he wasn't setting me as the childlike example hah, but on a serious note what this means to me is, what child characteristics are the best examples of what God wants in his people?
"Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven" Most people remember what they were like as children and you may think I don't want to be that way I was fussy, spoiled, shy or whatever it is you were as a child, maybe you were a perfect angel ; however, you may ask yourself as I once did in what way are we to be like children? Are we to be immature, childish, uninformed? No. We are to put childish ways behind us (1 Corinthians 13:11).
But one characteristic children tend to have is humility, as Jesus says in verse 4"Whoever humbles himself like a child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." The humble person is, in God’s way of thinking, the greatest—the best example of how we should be.
This may be because humility is characteristic of God himself. God is willing to give up his privileges for our salvation. What Jesus did in becoming flesh was not some strange aberration in God’s nature—it was a revelation of what God is like all the time. God wants us to be like Christ, willing to give up privileges to serve others.
Now granted, I was a child once too-not all children are little angels (I was a pretty big brat ha) nonetheless-Children tend to be soft, dependent on their mom or dad. We as well should be dependent on our Father who is there at every waking second. He never sleeps. He is always watching closely. He cares about us for we are his children. When we're sick He is by our side. When we need comfort, He brings us peace. I know that I compare myself as a parent to what God is like and as much as we all say we love our children, we will never understand the love God has for us.
You know it's funny because I watch children all the time. I love kids, I even have one of my own and they truly are so sweet. Children do not know color, they don't discriminate--Addie plays with anybody she doesn't care and I think wow, if the world could be a little more like that maybe it would be a better place. God is a perfect God--He knows everything and it just amazes me how scripture gives us hints and pointers of how to live a life that in turn will be a happy life and possibly even a happy world. {Oh how I wish..but one day we will live in a happy heaven :)}
God-I look to you in faith. I want to be just as you describe-a child-not self-sufficient, but totally dependent on you. I trust you to provide all my needs and guide me in life.
your child<3
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