This past monday I took a day off to spend it alone with my wonderful husband. We had
such a blast. We loved all the scenery in Austin! We visited the Texas campus (had some great,
laughs by the way : ), we ate lunch at Chipotle--the biggest burrito ever mind you! ha
Then we went to the Capitol Building , took pictures and just goofed around. After the busy
morning we decided to take a little sit down break so we headed over to this little park area
with a nice stream that ran through it..
I sat underneath a tree for a spilt second to catch my breath after hanging on a tree branch; and
when I looked up I saw the most beautiful tree standing right in front of me. The one you see above.
I immediately pulled out my phone and snapped the picture. It's funny how God knows in
what ways I learn best. Phyiscally & Visually.
He reminded me of this verse:
He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does
not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of
drought and never fails to bear fruit."
Jerimiah 17:8
When the Lord began to speak to me He wanted me to notice the branches, the color, the leaves,
it's strength, it's size...I was to be the "He" that Jerimiah describes as a Chrisitan.
This tree has enriched, well nourished, deepened roots. Because of its supply
of good water this tree is planted, it's not moving anywhere, it's grown to its size because
it has all the supplements it needs. The right amount of water, dirt, sun etc. It's a strong
tree. Christian.
I believe at that moment God was speaking to me.
"Be like this tree Esther. Be Strong. Be Big. Be unmoveable. And when the going gets tough
and the heat comes down on you- enrich your roots with my stream of living water.
Stay in the word when you're being tested, tempted, messed with for I your God have
all the supplements you need to stay nourished. strong. big. and unmoveable. If you'll
trust what I say, meditate on My Word- you'll never see drought for my stream of living water
is close to your roots. Do as I say, and never grow weary. Quit your worrying.
Never let the world change your leaves,
but always stay nourished in My word and you'll bear the fruit I ask. The fruit of My Spirit."
Though I thought all this silently, I realize that is can be applicable to everyone. The truth is
that without Christ giving us the nourishment, (His Word, Church,
Chrisitian relationships that keep us accountable) I believe
our leaves will dry up, our color attitude will change, we will grow weak, never grow to
our fullest potentional and one day die off only to be cut down. BUT If we can grow in Christ,
strengthen our relationship, draw into Him daily, and stay in His Words those roots will be so
deep and enriched that the flow of living water will ALWAYS supply our needs. When
the trouble comes just as the Lord says and you feel the heat blazing down on you,
remember His living water will keep you alive and give you the strength to endure the
fire or the patience you need until HE puts the fire out. That's the living water I thirst for.
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