Sunday, June 13, 2010

I Give Myself Away

Listen to this song, completely.
The words pierce my heart.
The words reach the very core of my being and shake me.

There are so many selfish things we desire, but ulimately it is my sole purpose
to live for the Lord & Him alone. There are so many things I've heard
people say they live for. Ranging from money, jobs, parties,
to fulfilling their dreams.
And though I'll admit that I live for my family as well I know the bible says, this world
and everything in it will one day pass/fade away but HE will always remain.
I'd much rather live for something real
and never ending, then live for something temporary.

This song truly blessed my husband and I this morning.
We walked hand in hand towards the alter during worship, and as the worship
team sang this song, we stretched our hands towards
heaven and promised yet again, to live for Him... always.
Our life is not our own, it is borrowed for a time being and soley purposed to be
lived for one person alone.
Jesus Christ.
There is someone reading this today and there are things in your life that
you don't want to let go of,
maybe you're scared so you hang on to it, Or maybe, just maybe you're ok with
only giving a little bit of yourself away...just not entirely.
I pray God speaks to you today and you whole heartedly give yourself away to the
ONLY person that will never hurt or fail you.
Your heart,
your life,
your future,
is safe with Him so..
Today, I ask
Will you give yourself away?
Not just some of you, but all of you...

Love you,

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