Friday, July 9, 2010

God's cleansing

On one sunny afternoon Stephen and I decided to head on out to the lake. I'm not too big on
swimming in the lake, but I do enjoy picking  up shells, and sitting by the shore.
Stephen decided to take Addie into the water for a
little swim and I sat facing the lake with my legs stretched into the water.
I'm going to pause
right there for a second and ask you this. Have you ever examined yourself as
 the bible says?
 "Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves"
 2 Corinthians 13:5
Well, this particular afternoon as I was sitting in the sand I began meditating
on my faith
and on my sins.
I thought, even if I lived in a hut all alone on a deserted island,
with  no tv,
 no music,
no people,
no food,
no nothing.
I would still be a sinner.
God always has fun ways to speak to me and on this day He wanted to change something
about me. He wanted me to quit dwelling on the fact that I'm a wretched sinner, because
to Him,  I am saved by grace and by His precious blood I'm cleansed to perfection.

I started playing with the mud...I began covering my legs completely with mud  from my
feet all the way to mid thigh. As I sat there with muddy legs, and no longer able to see my
ivory colored legs I thought "sin"--It's dark, filthy, dirty, thick, and uncomfortable..
You see my legs, they represent my walk.
They enable me to walk with God, but at the moment they felt heavy and dirty
(have you ever felt so heavy burdened about a sin that you quit walking the walk?)
..that's not what God wants..

At that moment I wanted the mud off, I looked up and noticed that big wave starting
to rise towards me. The water finally reached my legs and with it's momentum the water
washed my legs clean, stripping away all the mud. At the moment I felt Jesus say
"you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in My name,
 and by the Spirit of our God.." 1 Corinthians 6:11

Thank you God, for your spiritual wash. That we no longer have to dwell on being sinners,
 but YOU cleanse us, wash us and you make us NEW.
 I love you~ your daughter

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