Immediately he made the disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowds. And after He had dismissed the crowds, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. When evening came, He was there alone, but the boat by this time was a long way from the land, beaten by the waves, for the wind was against them. And in the fourth watch of the night He came to them, walking on the sea. But when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were terrified, and said, "It is a ghost!" And they cried out in fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, "Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid."
And Peter answered him, "Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water." He said, "Come." So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, "Lord, save me." Matthew 14:22-30
I sit here and think of the many times I have read this passage and it was just a good story.
Today though, I couldn’t help but to picture this all. I imagine the relationship Jesus and Peter had. I think of what it must have felt like to walk out on the water to Jesus and I picture His hand extended out to Peter. This image stays in my mind for a good few minutes.
I paint a picture in my mind of what it would have been like to be Peter that night and as I ponder the thought of would I have done the same as Peter...
..... I realize I already do.
I sit here and I reflect on all the times in my life where like Peter, I too, have cried out in fear, where I too have questioned Jesus if it really is You….or even more recently like Peter took my eyes off Jesus for a split second to pay attention to the noise around me. I think of the times I have felt the very same drowning feeling of, Oh Jesus save me! And just as my lips whispers that, I imagine what it would have been like to actually hear the voice of Jesus against the rushing waves & winds saying, “Do not be afraid.”
When you stop for a moment and picture that it does something down to your core. I think in moments, we can all be Peters, but today my heart has understood something new.
You see, I don't have to imagine this anymore, because this same message that He was sharing with Peter is the very same message He has for me too.
With love,
Friday, November 15, 2013
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
I want to hold your hand so you can hold the worlds.
Dear Adalie,
I always want to hold your hand. I want to be there to lift you up when you get knocked or pushed down, to be there to guide you along tiny paths, and to reassure you that I am beside you. I sometimes look around and feel the need to tighten my grip & sheild you. As badly as those desires are, deep in my heart I know that is not the right answer. I'm still new to motherhood and I am still looking for those right answers to give you, but I know that a piece of my job is to raise & teach you how to positively impact your world, wherever that may be, not fear it. Fear inables you & you, sweet baby, have a world in front of you to help change.
Jesus said that in this world we would have trouble. I am writing you today to tell you that He is very right. In my world as a teenager the trouble I wish I would have known was ahead of me was: people will tease you for believing and living out what you believe, but don't change your beliefs to gain popularity or be "in." You please the Lord not people. Not everyone you meet will like you and that is ok.You will never be able to be all things to all people and you will only hurt yourself by trying to keep everyone happy. If you only find one true friend, you're in a good place. Friends will make mistakes, don't ditch them when they do. Forgive them. Lift them up because when you make mistakes you will want that help to. People will befriend you for wrong reasons, pray up & ask the Lord to give you discernment who to keep at a distance and who to share the secrets of your heart with. Don't let compliments go to your head, (no one likes an arrogant friend) & don't let criticisim stay in your heart. There will be many times in a group that you will hear someone bad mouth another girl/guy whether you know it to be true or not keep your mouth shut, but if you feel led to say anything find something positive to say. You may get a few rolled eyes, but always look for the good in people I promise you will find it somewhere. People will fasely accuse you, judge you, pick you apart (sometimes even if they are your friends)-- just know who you are be settled in that-- you do not always have to defend yourself, let your everyday testimony speak for you. If you say you will do something, do it. When a friend shares a secret with you keep that to yourself. Trust is so hard to get back. Don't pretend to be somebody you are not. Feel proud and unashamed of where you come from. Speak up for those that don't have a voice. Genuinely befriend the rejects & the poor not so you can appear to be a good person, just be a good person. Never think of yourself too mighty for anyone else, let humility rule your heart. Give compliments often, love with your whole heart. Be careful with your words, even when giving advice, be careful with your words- make sure they align with God's Word. Words have so much power, but so do your thoughts. Keep your thoughts clean. When you think bad things about someone remember you do not know what life experiences they have been through that has aided in making them who they are & it isn't your place to condemn them. Be graceful. Have a contagious smile and smile a lot. Don't believe everything you hear, especially from boys. Do not dress like anything is for sale. You probably won't make it out the door anyways. Whatever you're doing give it all you have. Dream, dream, and dream some more. Not in class perferably ;) Have a good attitude and be light hearted. Don't wear your feelings on your sleeves. Enjoy your teenages years around good people doing good things.
Adalie, I can be guilty of worrying when I read the news or listen to stories about what is going on in our youth tpday. I worry about what I'm seeing and hearing could all attract you and mislead you, BUT then I hear stories like Julie Moore, Zach Hunter, Savaanah Bukant & Sadie Robertson and it gives me hope. Let me introduce you, let this attract you. Julie Moore came up with an idea of starting a bible study at her Indiana High school and she was heavily mocked and critized for it, but she didn't crumble under pressure and before too long a club was born. That same year they put a picture of "Couagers for Christ" group (Couagers is her high school mascot) in the high school yearbook and to this day it is still going strong! Zach Hunter, decided to take action when he learned there are approximately 20 to 30 million trafficked slaves in the world today. (I will explain what this means later) More than 70% are female and half are children. While in the seventh grade Zach came up with the idea to raise money to free slaves. He started a campaign called Loose Change to Loosen Chains, to support groups that rescue slaves. His school and youth group students raised more than $8,500 to rescue victims of slavery and other forms of oppression. Now hundreds of student groups have launched Loose Change to Loosen Chains to join his efforts. Svannah Bukant, a high school senior in Washington, chose to funnel her passion for orphans into the project and contacted Compassion International to see how she could help. She decided to raise the funds to start a cottage for orphaned children in Ethiopia. She held a walk-a-thon, benefit concert, car wash, letter campaign, and church presentation! At the end of 3 months, she had raised $18,000 to help orphans in Ethiopia! Then there is 16 year old Sadie Robertson from Duck Dynasty. You're a huge fan of Sadie already, but you probably don't know that she is that she is producing weekly video devotionals on Monday nights called “I Am Different.” She is also designing a clothing line in an effort to encourage modesty in a culture where fashion trends are often contrary to the ways of the Lord. These kids are making an impact, you can do the same! :)
Adi, I think I realize that this has done a lot for me too. Figuratively, I will always be holding your hand so you learn how to hold the worlds. Be a world changer baby!
I love you,
Momma bear
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Tips for Play Time for a Busy Momma
So, you’re a mom. You have a full time job, a husband, 2 plus kids, a week’s worth of laundry, 2 dogs, a cat, and you wish there were more time in a day? Perfect, you fit right in!
According to the 2012 U.S. Census 71% of all mothers hold a full time job. That makes thousands of us all trying to raise children, have successful careers, keep the home, and make time for ourselves as well as for our spouse. As a mother myself, I know all the different directions I get pulled so today I want to talk about a direction that is very important, but gets less time than the time we have for ourselves. That’s play time with our kids. I did a poll of 50 mothers that were either family or friends of mine. The poll was the average number of hours they spent with their kiddos. According to my poll the average number was 1.3 solid hours of play time per day with their children.
With iPhones, iPads, iPods, and video games competing with your children’s attention it can be easy to allow technology to substitute the connection between you and your children, or make up for the time we do not always have to personally give them. Dr. Amanda Gummer a psychologist specializing in play and parenting suggests that children whom have play time with their parents will reap great benefits throughout their life. She explains that many types of play all contribute to different abilities a child will need throughout their life. Active play develops fitness and strength, role play can develop the imagination, crafts and construction develops creativity. (insert citation here)
Giving your children permission to imagine and be creative with you subliminally sends them a message that they can trust you. They feel safe thus in their latter years they can feel free to express to you some of their worries, fears, or concerns. As you read this you think that is wonderful, and I need to play more with my child; I just wish I had the time.
What if I told you there is a way to bridge the gap between dinner, laundry, dishes, cleaning rooms/bathrooms and playing with your child, all while being efficient with your time so you have some for yourself and your spouse at the end of the night? “Is that even possible?” You asked? It is.
Today I’d like to share a few creative tips I have learned in my short 5 years of being a busy, working mother and wife to master all the above.
1.) As you’re making dinner include your children. Don’t shoo them out of the kitchen; some of the best science, math problems can be taught and stories can be told from cooking together. Let the children help with pouring and stirring. Explain where the food came from (the ground, an animal etc) this always brings up interesting questions and can encourage life lessons. Play restaurant as the children help set the table and fill the drinks.
2.) Doing laundry is definitely not one of my favorite things to do, but it is when I have my 5 year old playing basket-clothes. To play basket-clothes set out hampers and separate your clothing by taking turns to shoot the item into their correct baskets. Keep score, it is really fun to see their competitive side developing and their laughter when Momma misses.
3.) Do math while your children help you load the dishwasher. Ask them to count each item you give them to load. See how high they can count, and you can always do addition and subtraction, even multiplication or division for older kiddos.
4.) One of my most favorite cleaning games is playing Hotel Sweet. (This is the name of my daughter’s hotel) This is the best technique I have found to get my child to clean her room. I ask her if she has a room ready for me to check in-to and her face lights up because she knows we are about to get into character. She jumps up to clean her room and moments later she opens her bedroom door and hollers out," Hotel Sweet room 100 is ready for viewing." I roam around the room, like a guest looking at every crevice, and ask about all the accommodations of the hotel. I typically shake her hand and book her room for $5.00 (you can give whatever amount you’d like) her room definitely has the best rate in town! This is so much more appealing to a child than, “go clean your room,” and bonus they just earned allowance while having fun, playing and spending time with their parent.
5.) Clean your restroom while your child goes swimming! This is one of my children’s favorite games. Fill the tub of water and tell your child to imagine anything they want. They can go scuba diving, snorkeling, or swim in the ocean with dolphins. As your cleaning toilets and sinks ask questions about their play like, “I love all the bright fish I see; are you getting good pictures?” The children love it! Who would have thought that you could bathe your children while playing and cleaning!
Learning how to incorporate play into my schedule of responsibilities as a mother and wife has not only opened up more time for me, but has also helped me have a well balanced home. I must admit that the most satisfying thing has been the realization that what children want isn’t materials or electronics, what my children truly want is me.
Here’s to more time, play and fun!
Esther Vanover
Monday, March 25, 2013
I hate it when My children grumble.
It is good idea to take inventory of the things that occupy our hearts and it is very good to cultivate a thankful heart. Thankfulness isn't something that comes easy, especially when it is not around Thanksgiving, we have to remind ourselves to BE thankful. These thoughts have been provoked by 7 little words that I read in my devotional early this morning, "I hate it when My children grumble."
Think about that for a moment. I pictured God's face the best way my small mind could understand and the image pierced my heart. That one sentence made a shift in my heart and caused me to take a deep hard look into what all I have in it. I decided I would make a list of the things I grumble about. In other words, what do I complain about?
Can I be honest with you-I fought with my list. (And you probably will too.) I argued with each one about its legitimacy. I had a reason by golly, to complain about each one especially the ones that were out of my control. Though there may have some truth to that, I challenge you with the same little excerise the Lord had me do and I know you'll feel Him helping you begin to culitvate a thankful heart.
So I made my list. I fought with it for some time then decided to let the Lord step in and show me what I needed to be shown. I went back over my grumbling list and made myself find things in each situation something, anything to be thankful for.
Ex: The complaint: I am blue in the face about respondsibility and getting homework turned in on time, but I can't get x, y & z students to listen. Finding something to be thankful for: At least I have a job, period. And secondly, there really are those out there that are listening that are being impacted when they may not be learning how to be respondsible at home?
A shift of focus has to occur in order to keep a thankful heart and it is hard to keep complaining over something you've just thanked God for.We have to make thankfulness rule our hearts at all times and in all circumstances or else bitterness can creep in.
Before you ex off the page there is one other thing the Lord spoke to me about sharing and that is complaining about our children. Aside from Jesus coming to die for you and I, our children are Gods' most precious gift to us. I am strongly convicted in this area and I want to share with you what I think of when my patience is running thin with my own children. I think, "Ok Esther, God is your Dad, how would you feel in this situation if He reacted towards you the way you want to react towards Adalie/Maddox?" Sounds a little weird talking to yourself that way, but it sure does help. I mentioned that shifting focus is a key component to cultivating a thankful heart, well in those weak moments when I do not get it right, I have to check my attitude and remind myself that Adalie & Maddox did not ask to be here and neither did your children. It is a different way in looking at it. My husband and I brought them here, we wanted them therefore it is our job as parents to seek God for wisdom in raising them in all seasons of their lives and asking for patience in helping them become who God created them to be. I know that raising children is tough, from what I know toddlers and what I have heard teenagers can be extremly challenging, but whatever season they are in, let's just be thankful. Remember this-many families can not have their own children. There are women who will never know what it feels like to birth their own baby or carry one in their womb. Another example I can think of is if you have a go-go-go toddler like mine that runs wild and you can't keep up just whisper to yourself, "I am thankful that he/she is healthy and able to run, jump and play."
So you see, there are many things to be thankful for when we dig. Make your list, check it twice, argue with it if you have to it's ok- as long as in the end thankfulness and gratitue ends on top, you've won the battle.
With love and prayer,
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Except for her...
This is just eating at me. No matter how hard I try, I just can't seem to shake this imagine out of my mind.
She sat there alone, her long hair drapped over her shoulders, she stared straight forward leaned slightly to the side resting her cheek in her right palm. I noticed her from a distance. She didn't speak, she didn't move, she didn't even blink.
Earlier, her Mother had been interacting with all her children, well actually except with her. And there were some laughs coming from the group, well, not really from her. Her Mother began to head gather her things to head out the door and with a faint I love you, she leaned in and kissed them all on the forehead, well really except for her. Saddened she walked away and sat and I, I stood frozen still then turned away.
Truly this image is almost impossible to forget. It lingers in my mind. I feel like I am continously tossing it out over and over because it makes me sad for her, but it just creeps right back on in. I give. I said, "God, what do you want me to do with this?"
It has challenged me to love, in a new way. It has made me want to love, the way Jesus said for me to love. I was reading in Mark one day when I felt like God began to answer my question-my eyes landed on verses 28 & 29.
Jesus was teaching His disciples and they asked Him, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?” “The most important one,” Jesus said is “ Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’There is no commandment greater than these.”
I looked up more scriptures about love and found a few more.
John 13:34 "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.
John 13:35 "By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."
John 15:12 "This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.
John 15:17 "These things I command you, that you love one another.
1 Peter 4:8 "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."
Ephesians 4:2 "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love."
What does love have to do with any of this story? Well, this is what I have come to a conclusion about. I'll start from the top. When you think about how Jesus answered the question, "what is the greatest commadment?" He said to first love God, with everything we had, then He added (on His own) that we must love our neighbors as ourself. Jesus went on to say there are no greater commandments then those two. That is pretty serious stuff, to love God first, then everyone else second. In John He said that He will know whether we are His disciples or not based on if we love one another. It wasn't suggestive, He is commanding us to love one another. In 1 Peter we are told that love covers a multitude of sins (so that helps to forgive quicker) and in Ephesians we are advised to bear one another in love, in other words “to endure,” or “to put up with,” one another in love. I got to thinking about all this and the emphasis on love? Why is love important enough to be mentioned 551 times through out the bible? Then I saw the girl and her story play out in my mind all over again. Hypotheically, what I saw could be an example of a soon-to- be (if not already is) a hurt and lonely teenager who perhaps builds up resentment who closes out those around her, has a distorted view of what love is, puts up walls and bottles up her feelings? Perhaps she asks herself at the end of the day whether she has a purpose or reason to live? When you take a step back and you try to understand or analyze why people grow up to be who they are, choose to do terrible things, aren't easily forgiving, don't have a pleasant demeanor, and are rough around the edges it is so easy to judge them, but really we have no idea where that person has been, what they have experienced, what they have endured in their life or been through. I'm not making excuses for people who commit crimes, do evil, or are unfair I'm really not. I know we all have a choice to do right from wrong, but what I am saying is I didn't realize before just how many wounded people we live around that it just doesn't come easy to make good choices or do the right thing. This is all my opinion, and I could very well be wrong, but regardless it's has helped me to see grace and love so differently now which makes this thought process all worth while.
In my measly simple little mind I think I am understanding what Jesus was really saying when He asked us to love another. When He asked us to bear one another with love. When I look at the news I see tradgedies that have happened and they completely rip my heart out, but before I let my heart judge them and grow angry I've had to make myself do something that isn't easy and ask myself, what if love was absent in their life, or absent in the most crucial moments of their life like childhood? And what if this is an effect of it all? Perhaps that person grew up without knowing Jesus, hard for them to believe in Jesus or love for that matter. What if they grew up without a father/mother, or if they did have parents what if they hurt them physically, emotionally, mentally, just like their folks did with them so they continue the cycle? What if they grew up neglected, bullied, teased or alone-how could I expect them to be a loving soul and want to do good when they have no love or goodness in them to give out? Maybe this doesn't apply to all cases, but what if it did? All while, we grow angry with them, don't care to hear them, don't want to help them, condemn them, hate them. What if maybe, just maybe that is why God felt it was so important to repeatedly ask us to love others, to forgive, to extend grace, and to ABOVE ALL (no matter what they've done) love each other deeply (not a little bit, but DEEPLY) because love can cover a multitude of sins? (mistakes) Maybe the answer was/is so then no one would ever have to miss out on being loved, because if they did miss it somewhere, somehow in their life, but yet we encounter them and live out His commandment to pour love into their lives maybe, they could give love out and that cycle would continue. Even if I am wrong, isn't it a nice thought to explore? They say love makes the world go round, well I believe that statement has a whole new meaning to me now.
I want to love all the..."except for her, him, them"
She sat there alone, her long hair drapped over her shoulders, she stared straight forward leaned slightly to the side resting her cheek in her right palm. I noticed her from a distance. She didn't speak, she didn't move, she didn't even blink.
Earlier, her Mother had been interacting with all her children, well actually except with her. And there were some laughs coming from the group, well, not really from her. Her Mother began to head gather her things to head out the door and with a faint I love you, she leaned in and kissed them all on the forehead, well really except for her. Saddened she walked away and sat and I, I stood frozen still then turned away.
Truly this image is almost impossible to forget. It lingers in my mind. I feel like I am continously tossing it out over and over because it makes me sad for her, but it just creeps right back on in. I give. I said, "God, what do you want me to do with this?"
It has challenged me to love, in a new way. It has made me want to love, the way Jesus said for me to love. I was reading in Mark one day when I felt like God began to answer my question-my eyes landed on verses 28 & 29.
Jesus was teaching His disciples and they asked Him, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?” “The most important one,” Jesus said is “ Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’There is no commandment greater than these.”
I looked up more scriptures about love and found a few more.
John 13:34 "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.
John 13:35 "By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."
John 15:12 "This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.
John 15:17 "These things I command you, that you love one another.
1 Peter 4:8 "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."
Ephesians 4:2 "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love."
What does love have to do with any of this story? Well, this is what I have come to a conclusion about. I'll start from the top. When you think about how Jesus answered the question, "what is the greatest commadment?" He said to first love God, with everything we had, then He added (on His own) that we must love our neighbors as ourself. Jesus went on to say there are no greater commandments then those two. That is pretty serious stuff, to love God first, then everyone else second. In John He said that He will know whether we are His disciples or not based on if we love one another. It wasn't suggestive, He is commanding us to love one another. In 1 Peter we are told that love covers a multitude of sins (so that helps to forgive quicker) and in Ephesians we are advised to bear one another in love, in other words “to endure,” or “to put up with,” one another in love. I got to thinking about all this and the emphasis on love? Why is love important enough to be mentioned 551 times through out the bible? Then I saw the girl and her story play out in my mind all over again. Hypotheically, what I saw could be an example of a soon-to- be (if not already is) a hurt and lonely teenager who perhaps builds up resentment who closes out those around her, has a distorted view of what love is, puts up walls and bottles up her feelings? Perhaps she asks herself at the end of the day whether she has a purpose or reason to live? When you take a step back and you try to understand or analyze why people grow up to be who they are, choose to do terrible things, aren't easily forgiving, don't have a pleasant demeanor, and are rough around the edges it is so easy to judge them, but really we have no idea where that person has been, what they have experienced, what they have endured in their life or been through. I'm not making excuses for people who commit crimes, do evil, or are unfair I'm really not. I know we all have a choice to do right from wrong, but what I am saying is I didn't realize before just how many wounded people we live around that it just doesn't come easy to make good choices or do the right thing. This is all my opinion, and I could very well be wrong, but regardless it's has helped me to see grace and love so differently now which makes this thought process all worth while.
In my measly simple little mind I think I am understanding what Jesus was really saying when He asked us to love another. When He asked us to bear one another with love. When I look at the news I see tradgedies that have happened and they completely rip my heart out, but before I let my heart judge them and grow angry I've had to make myself do something that isn't easy and ask myself, what if love was absent in their life, or absent in the most crucial moments of their life like childhood? And what if this is an effect of it all? Perhaps that person grew up without knowing Jesus, hard for them to believe in Jesus or love for that matter. What if they grew up without a father/mother, or if they did have parents what if they hurt them physically, emotionally, mentally, just like their folks did with them so they continue the cycle? What if they grew up neglected, bullied, teased or alone-how could I expect them to be a loving soul and want to do good when they have no love or goodness in them to give out? Maybe this doesn't apply to all cases, but what if it did? All while, we grow angry with them, don't care to hear them, don't want to help them, condemn them, hate them. What if maybe, just maybe that is why God felt it was so important to repeatedly ask us to love others, to forgive, to extend grace, and to ABOVE ALL (no matter what they've done) love each other deeply (not a little bit, but DEEPLY) because love can cover a multitude of sins? (mistakes) Maybe the answer was/is so then no one would ever have to miss out on being loved, because if they did miss it somewhere, somehow in their life, but yet we encounter them and live out His commandment to pour love into their lives maybe, they could give love out and that cycle would continue. Even if I am wrong, isn't it a nice thought to explore? They say love makes the world go round, well I believe that statement has a whole new meaning to me now.
I want to love all the..."except for her, him, them"
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