Dear Adalie,
I always want to hold your hand. I want to be there to lift you up when you get knocked or pushed down, to be there to guide you along tiny paths, and to reassure you that I am beside you. I sometimes look around and feel the need to tighten my grip & sheild you. As badly as those desires are, deep in my heart I know that is not the right answer. I'm still new to motherhood and I am still looking for those right answers to give you, but I know that a piece of my job is to raise & teach you how to positively impact your world, wherever that may be, not fear it. Fear inables you & you, sweet baby, have a world in front of you to help change.
Jesus said that in this world we would have trouble. I am writing you today to tell you that He is very right. In my world as a teenager the trouble I wish I would have known was ahead of me was: people will tease you for believing and living out what you believe, but don't change your beliefs to gain popularity or be "in." You please the Lord not people. Not everyone you meet will like you and that is ok.You will never be able to be all things to all people and you will only hurt yourself by trying to keep everyone happy. If you only find one true friend, you're in a good place. Friends will make mistakes, don't ditch them when they do. Forgive them. Lift them up because when you make mistakes you will want that help to. People will befriend you for wrong reasons, pray up & ask the Lord to give you discernment who to keep at a distance and who to share the secrets of your heart with. Don't let compliments go to your head, (no one likes an arrogant friend) & don't let criticisim stay in your heart. There will be many times in a group that you will hear someone bad mouth another girl/guy whether you know it to be true or not keep your mouth shut, but if you feel led to say anything find something positive to say. You may get a few rolled eyes, but always look for the good in people I promise you will find it somewhere. People will fasely accuse you, judge you, pick you apart (sometimes even if they are your friends)-- just know who you are be settled in that-- you do not always have to defend yourself, let your everyday testimony speak for you. If you say you will do something, do it. When a friend shares a secret with you keep that to yourself. Trust is so hard to get back. Don't pretend to be somebody you are not. Feel proud and unashamed of where you come from. Speak up for those that don't have a voice. Genuinely befriend the rejects & the poor not so you can appear to be a good person, just be a good person. Never think of yourself too mighty for anyone else, let humility rule your heart. Give compliments often, love with your whole heart. Be careful with your words, even when giving advice, be careful with your words- make sure they align with God's Word. Words have so much power, but so do your thoughts. Keep your thoughts clean. When you think bad things about someone remember you do not know what life experiences they have been through that has aided in making them who they are & it isn't your place to condemn them. Be graceful. Have a contagious smile and smile a lot. Don't believe everything you hear, especially from boys. Do not dress like anything is for sale. You probably won't make it out the door anyways. Whatever you're doing give it all you have. Dream, dream, and dream some more. Not in class perferably ;) Have a good attitude and be light hearted. Don't wear your feelings on your sleeves. Enjoy your teenages years around good people doing good things.
Adalie, I can be guilty of worrying when I read the news or listen to stories about what is going on in our youth tpday. I worry about what I'm seeing and hearing could all attract you and mislead you, BUT then I hear stories like Julie Moore, Zach Hunter, Savaanah Bukant & Sadie Robertson and it gives me hope. Let me introduce you, let this attract you. Julie Moore came up with an idea of starting a bible study at her Indiana High school and she was heavily mocked and critized for it, but she didn't crumble under pressure and before too long a club was born. That same year they put a picture of "Couagers for Christ" group (Couagers is her high school mascot) in the high school yearbook and to this day it is still going strong! Zach Hunter, decided to take action when he learned there are approximately 20 to 30 million trafficked slaves in the world today. (I will explain what this means later) More than 70% are female and half are children. While in the seventh grade Zach came up with the idea to raise money to free slaves. He started a campaign called Loose Change to Loosen Chains, to support groups that rescue slaves. His school and youth group students raised more than $8,500 to rescue victims of slavery and other forms of oppression. Now hundreds of student groups have launched Loose Change to Loosen Chains to join his efforts. Svannah Bukant, a high school senior in Washington, chose to funnel her passion for orphans into the project and contacted Compassion International to see how she could help. She decided to raise the funds to start a cottage for orphaned children in Ethiopia. She held a walk-a-thon, benefit concert, car wash, letter campaign, and church presentation! At the end of 3 months, she had raised $18,000 to help orphans in Ethiopia! Then there is 16 year old Sadie Robertson from Duck Dynasty. You're a huge fan of Sadie already, but you probably don't know that she is that she is producing weekly video devotionals on Monday nights called “I Am Different.” She is also designing a clothing line in an effort to encourage modesty in a culture where fashion trends are often contrary to the ways of the Lord. These kids are making an impact, you can do the same! :)
Adi, I think I realize that this has done a lot for me too. Figuratively, I will always be holding your hand so you learn how to hold the worlds. Be a world changer baby!
I love you,
Momma bear
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