Friday, May 14, 2010

Fun Friday

Today is fun Friday and I am in such a good mood : )! I decided I would share with you
 all this little activity we are doing at work today : ) Though I love talking about the Lord,
today I figured I'd share some things about me you may not know.

At work they asked us to list random things about ourselves because we are going
to play a game called "Guess who" (remember playing that game when you were young?)
anyways, I had to REALLY think outside the box because everyone knows me so
well around here. I am a pretty transparent person, but it sparked the idea I haven't
made a bucket list in a while and it's always good to remember the things you
someday want to accomplish and remind yourself of things you won't do : )

Top 10 things I'd like to do before I go to heaven : )
1. Sponsor a child in a 3rd world country.
2. Send my parents on a vacation.
3. Build a house in the country with pourch that wraps around the whole house.
4. Complete a triathlon race with my husband
5. Go to Jersualem and see the place where Jesus saved me.
6. Write a book. (in process)
7. Preach around the world.
8. Donate an organ to save someones life, if the situation ever happened
9. See my children graduate college.
10. Visit an orphanage.

10 things I know I will NEVER do before I go to heaven : )
1. Eat sushi haha
2. Swim in the middle of the ocean
3. Pet a lion
4. Sky dive
5. Paint my nails black & go to a heavy metal concert haha.
6. Say GD/ or curse God
7. Cut down a tree (yes i'm a bit of a tree hugger ha)
8. Smoke a cigarette/do drugs
9. hurt my children
10. divorce Stephen/ or disown a family member

A few random facts about me:
I like to eat pickles & jolly ranchers together.
When I'm upset I like to clean.
I LOVE the smell of a new book!
I wet my pants from laughing so hard in the 5th grade! haha
When I get a new outfit the first thing I do when I get home is try it on!
I cry when someone close to me has a baby.
I want to give money to homeless all the time.
I sometimes snort when I laugh really hard haha
and lastly, I always mess a joke up when trying to re-tell it to someone :( lol
Hey there's just some things you have to admit you're not the best at ; )

Hope this made you smile

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