I don't even know how to begin this blog, so I'll start with the truth.
My heart breaks everyday for people who lose their life,
not knowing Christ...It's serious stuff. These people according to scripture are
(let me just paint a picture for you: in the darkest place, surrounded by demons,
in pain, thirsty, screaming for help, suffering, tormented, and I'm sure begging
they'd have just one more chance while Satan laughs in their face...
and maybe just maybe their thinking of friends and family they know are lost,
praying & hoping they will change before their time is up.
When you think of it like that, and make it real in your life and in your mind,
doesn't it stir something inside you?! Doesn't it make you wanna run to your neighbors
and ask them if they know Jesus? Doesn't it make you wanna call a friend who
you know is living a sinful life? (how do I know if it's a sinful life Est? Read
Galatians 5:16-26)
Doesn't it make you want to text all the contacts in
your phone to ask, DO YOU KNOW JESUS?
Doesn't it make the hairs stand on the back of your neck?! If that didn't do anything
for you read it again and place the name of someone you know that is lost. Won't you
do something about it??
My heart races, I just wanna scream off the top of the tallest mountain, world call on Jesus!
Call me crazy, a Jesus freak, I've heard it all, it doesn't matter--what mattes is I know
there are only 2 places we will all end up one day and it's up to me, it's up to you,
it's up to us
to impact those we can.
I'll fill you in on what started all this. It's been about a week and half that I've noticed
a trend of young people dying on the news, local news, & even people I know
that have passed away.
I don't know about you, but it always does something to me, when I hear someone
has died. It is even more real, when it's someone you knew personally or knew of.
It puts life into perspective. It makes me realize, I'm not promised tomorrow. I have
ZERO time for mess ups. I have NO time to be messing around with the things of
this world. It haunts me. Then time passes & I can get so caught up in the things
going on in my world, that I forget that there's a world out there that needs me!
That needs you! People are dying everyday, and sometimes I forget my purpose.
I've made a decision to remind myself that their are neighbors I haven't reached or talked to,
people at work that may be going down the wrong path that I can reach, the cashier
at wal mart, people in line at star bucks, my waitress! Anywhere!
I ask you this question-Is it fair that you know Jesus and you keep him to yourself??
No, it's not. Well you may say, Esther, people don't want to listen to that, they'll say
i'm judging them or what if they reject me? Well guess what, it leads me
to my next point, none of that matters, you were called for this! You're living out your purpose.
This world, your city, your group of friends is your mission field.
"Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation" Mark 16:15
I don't have all the answers on how you go about witnessing, but one thing I want you
to get out of this is--Don't get so caught up in your struggles, your life, that you forget
others need you. God gave you 2 hands to touch someone, a heart to love all humanity,
and a mouth to speak of Him. Share Jesus. One person at a time. Pray for courage,
pray for wisdom in how to approach people, the point is to just do it! I'm making a stand
today and I hope you're with me to dig deeper within overselves to reach the lost. God called us
for this, then He will equip us with the right words and attitude and in Jesus name all
those we witness too with have an open heart and receptive ears to hear the good news!
You with me? I hope so because i'll leave you with this one last thing. In this life if living
for God is all you do, no degree, no career, no friends, you never make a million dollars, you never
go on a fancy vacation--it's all good, all your rewards will be in Heaven!
Your Father is the King of Kings!
He owns the cattle on a thousand hills..one day we will walk the gold streets of Heaven
and oh you will be so thankful you did everything you could when you see that soul
you told about Jesus to walks through Heaven's gates! Can you see it? It is worth it.
It is worth getting told you're crazy, you're a Jesus freak, & be persecuted
because I can bet ya one day when those people hit rock bottom, guess who they
will think of? Guess who they will seek out for help? You. So I encourage you today,
Live out your purpose, there is always more we can do. Think of it this way,
God has given you all these years to live,
that person you knew that has passed away isn't you. You're not in that coffin, God
has spared your life until now, be thankful! And give others the chance to one day
see Heaven, and to be as excited and passionate as you are about the Lord.
Give others what God has given,you.
A purpose.
A purpose to live.
Live out your purpose today & forever.
Wow....beautiful and inspiring, u have such an amazing heart. GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS SISTER!