Thursday, March 31, 2011

Let go of the table and be a runner for Christ

The other day my husband spent his day off with the kids and I. We went over and had some lunch then he made a stop by the Family Christian Store; I thought I'd go across the street to Hobby Lobby so we parted ways. When he came by to pick me up I noticed a book laying in my seat. I remember I buckled up an as we drove home I began reading his book"Get Uncomfortable" by Todd Phillips and let me just tell you something he certainly has a way of making you feel uncomfortable, not in a negative way, but as I read several pages, I felt every bit of the word uncomfortable...
uncomfortable because his words were hitting me like a ton of bricks and here's where my story begins.

I was in complete awe as Todd introduced me to what it means to hold on to the table. I'll share a lil of the story. He talked about several years back when his boy was just learning how to walk. He said his son spent many hours, many days walking around the same table smiling, and giggling the whole time. For the time, he was very content not to venture beyond the safety of the table, but one day he let go of the table and took a steps away from it. He found himself standing on his own. Everything had changed. Now his son is older and runs everywhere, but he runs with a purpose. The baby steps were good and a nescessary part of the process of making his son a runner. And that's when it hit me like a ton of bricks. I realized what Todd was telling me. What he was telling the Christian Church. Many of us are living our Christian lives holding on to the programs, events, activities of our local church or even just content saying "I'm a Christian", but we never venture out from Sunday service, Wednesday service or weekly bible study..and though all that is great I so clearly saw that I am still hanging onto the table, when I'm called to be a runner for Christ. There are times when I want to venture out; I get a little more bold... I take a step out with an arm and leg, but I never let go. I still have one grip on the table. Why? Well because it can be uncomfortable...just like a baby, it doesn't feel safe to wander off. There's a fear of falling. When my daughter was learning to walk and made that decision to let go of the table I was there, right behind her, all bent over with my arms out ready to catch the fall. And when she did I was there picking her right back up saying "go, try again" Why would God be any different? He is my parent! Ugh I felt so silly. Can you see how all this hit me right in the face? It was overwheleming.
The book goes on to talk mostly about helping others and being a servant just like Jesus. When you look at the story of Jesus, and look at who He served it was the sick, the poor, the needy, the rejects, the "sinners". He opened himself up for service. He didn't just give lip service, He was prime example of someone who let go of the table and ran. So I thought, what can I do to serve?... because if I really want to be just like Him I have got to let go of the table. I'll admit it is comfortable to go to Sunday service, wednesday night bible study and an ocassional womens outing with sisters, but there is so much more out beyond our table we so contently walk around. There are literally lost people out there begging to know Jesus, praying for a blessing, needing a helping hand, but who do we think God uses to answer their prayers?
God needs us to run quickly! He needs us to be that extended hand and deliever His message of forgivness and grace...He needs us to care for the sick and the poor, and to help plant seeds everywhere! I know you may be thinking where do I go with this? How do I start? I didn't know immediately either but with prayer God gave me a fabulous idea and you can feel free to use this as well. Every week I will carry a ten dollar bill with me every where I go and on God's lead I will give that ten dollar bill to someone and simply say "Hi, I want you to have this not because I think you need it or maybe you might I just want to bless you with a little something and tell you that Jesus loves you." If conversation opens up further than that's awesome, if not at least I did something a little uncomfortable for once and let go of the table!
What about you?
Have you walked around your table long enough? Are you ready to join me and run for Christ?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Truths

It seems like I've not been out on my own in a while, but yesterday I was able to go to the store once my hubby came home and clocked in for baby duty ;)
I came across a book that really caught my eye while I was roaming around the book area. It was titled
50 Truths Worth Knowing. What made me pick it up was I wanted to see what 50 truths were worth knowing to this particular author. Come to find out, it is a collection of 50 truths from 50 different people. I thought, if I got the chance to put in one of my truths what would I write about? Sooo, I thought it would be neat to blog about my truths. 50 sounds a bit much so i'll do 25 : )
1. After I had my first baby I promised myself to not get too consumed with my child that I forgot there was also a marriage to maintain.
2. I believe it is important to schedule out time to spend with just your spouse and continue to learn about them. ( oh and vacationing with them!!)
3. I believe in 2nd chances and forgiveness
4. If my children take anything away from my raising my desires would be that they know and love the Lord and know that I always loved and believed in them.
5. Family and friends is a huge deal to me so I believe in making efforts to keep in close touch with them.
6. I never go anywhere without my seat belt on.
7. I believe in saying I love you, it's important that people know you do.
8. I eat more than I should, but food is my weakness. And with that being said, I love cooking a good meal for my family even if there might not be seconds left :) LOL
9. I really enjoy going grocery shopping with my husband.
10. If I could go back in time for one day it would be to go play a college volleyball game one more time.
11. I believe envy is a sickness.
12. I do not let my husband out of bed on a saturday morning until we cuddle. lol
13. I am overly protective and paranoid about my children.
14. My husband has helped me grow in Christ, learn to trust and love someone.
15. I can't stand a dirty home, but don't mind if my car is a little messy
16. Writing is theraputic for me.
17. For the longest time I didn't know what I wanted to do in life, but I think i've finally figured it out.
18. I think it's important to share Jesus anywhere, whether that be a scripture on Fb, through text, causal talk at the gas station, or a testimony that you tell. And don't be afraid of boasting about Him, bible says if you boast about anything it should be about Him. (1 corinthians 1:31)
19. I believe reading Bible is the key to wisdom and essential to my childrens lives.
20. My most favorite time of the day is bedtime because we pray as a family. And hearing Adalie pray is the sweetest thing I've ever heard.
21. I love the feeling of being able to count on my family and friends.
22. Arrogant people make me sad.
23. I want to sponsor a child in need.
24. Going to the movie theather excites me.
25. I try my best daily to not tell a single lie.

What are your truths?

Friday, March 4, 2011

Give Him everything.

So one moring during my reading, I came across this scripture and I literally sat on my couch for 5 mintues in awe of what I read.

"Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a fraction of a penny. Calling his disciples to Him, Jesus said, I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others.They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in EVERYTHING— ALL she had to live on". Mark 12:41-44

So why was I in awe? Well for starters I was completely impacted at the love this widow had and how much faith she displayed...To give everything she had for the cause of what an example. Think about her for a second, she had no husband, no money, and possibly very little to eat. A home? No telling how she lived externally, but internally boy was she rich. Rich in love, rich in faith, rich in obedience. Though she had nothing to her name in life, none of that turned this widow bitter, it didn't cause her to become angry with God, she didn't curse His name for how she lived; but instead she praised Him in her offering. My next thought was, how many times do we as Christians give or act out of our surplus or excess? This widow though she gave much less in amount than the rest we see that in God's eyes it held more worth because she whole heartedley wanted to give Him everything she had.
What did this teach me?
Honestly it taught me that my life, the money I make, the children and husband I have, the friends I love, they are not MINE. It all belongs to Him... So in essence I have nothing but myself as an offering....and that is all He wants.. For us all to give ourselves up to Him...not just a piece of us, but ALL that we are for we hold more worth than anything money can offer.

Won't you give Him everything you have? YOU.
All you have to live on? Your heart.
