Monday, January 4, 2010

Twenty-Ten you're my year.

I have decided to post two blogs today. I wasn't going to post this one, but I finally came to a conclusion earlier.. I am ready and thought out my new years resolution. I have tried the typical : lose 10 pounds, pick up a new hobby, or no soda...yah that lasted a couple weeks then I moved THIS year Twenty-ten I had to think long and hard what it was going to be that I exactly, absolutely 100% going to go through with and it came to me. Two things. 1.) Study my bible. Read it from beginning to end. 2.) Be a positive Christian.

These may not sound like the new years resolution you were thinking, but it is so important for me to become the the woman God created me to be..Not to mention I am never satisfied, I always want more of God, and I always want to better myself as a Christian woman. One thing I have realized is as simple as it may sound I really have NO reason to ever be confused about subjects, life, or be stressed. The bible has all the answers I need and yet instead of turning the pages to find my answer I lean on others guidance or my own thought process. I am not saying that doing these things are wrong, but in order to overcome things I need to learn more about God's word. How many times do we go through something and quote scripture to remind us of who is in control? I do. Buuut my problem is I am in need of more scripture. Is it impossible to memorize the entire Bible? Maybe, but I fully believe my Bible is my sword, my path, my compass for this life. It want to know that book through and through because God is important to me and ultimately I want to know HIM more than ever.

My second resolution is also very important to me because I truly believe having a positive outlook in life is living a healthy & Christian life. I am a very happy person so I don't do well with negativity, yet I have found myself being negative at times whether it be at work or at home...I dislike negativity very very much. I'm sure it will happen again, but my goal is to try to remain positive at all times. There is one thing that I will also have to work on--keeping negative people at a distance..if there is one thing I am sure of it is negative people can stain you. There is a difference between being a negative person and being negative about something. I am imperfect so I know I can't always be bubbly, chipper, or positive however, I want to remain ministry minded and keep my eyes on the prize (which is Jesus)regardless of criticism or any other tactic the enemy may throw my way for being Christian. I have faced many ups and downs in my life and I have proven time and time again that trusting in God and keeping a positive attitude about the situation, will equal victory. I've declared it, now help me fulfill it Lord, in Jesus beautiful name-Amen.

I love you.

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