Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Spiritual Exhaustion

Do you ever feel frustrated?

Or do you ever feel bogged down.
and exhuasted
from everything
going on around you?

My answer is- Yes. And it makes my stomach cringe.
I'll fill you in on something God revealed to me yesterday.
God began dealing with me on emotions of a woman a while back and it finally
made sense last night.
I started thinking of what we deal with for a majority.
As a woman there are things that just.. get to us, sometimes we don't even
have a reason we're just blah. And yes it's true, sometimes they're not even legitiment
 reasons to be upset cause later we're like why did that even bother me right?
Nonetheless the truth is that we are typically sensitive.
There's nothing wrong with being sensitive, or emotional-those were the
hormones we were given; however, when we start letting those emotions override
God's word and we don't supress our emotions, they began to control us...
well that's when we enter into a dangerous zone.
You know you're in this zone when:
You're irritable, restless in spirit, consumed with every thought of your problem or
consumed with the drama you have going on in your life, that you don't even have
time for the thought of Christ?

You're spiritually exhausted.
There's a difference in being spiritually exhausted, when you're in ministry
(constantly traveling, running here and there, running everywhere.)
That's not what i'm talking about today. What I'm talking about is trap from satan.
You see, satan knows what women are like.
When you're surrounded by drama, hasn't it consumed your every thought?
Yep, I'm totally guilty.
What typically happens to a woman in the danger zone is she is so caught up in an
 issue with a friend/co-worker/family member or whatever the case is that it allows her to get
so emotional over the situation she don't even want to seek her bible..or pray.
Am I right?
One night of missing her prayer time turns into 1 week, 1 morning of missing her daily
devotional turns into1 month. One time, that is how it begins.
You see, satan wants to exhaust you, drain you, and get your emotions out of wack because--
what happens when you're tired?
You're not as cautious of what you do.
You're a little careless.
You're blah.
You're no longer focused.
Being a Christian, is like running a race-- takes endurance, strength, stamina, and a lot of focus.

Exhaustion strips you of all that. It causes you to let your guard down because you're not
as focused, and as a result, that opens the door for satan to work.
Even if it's the slighest open door,even a small crack, he finagles his way in.
So what happens now is that one problem you had turns into 5 problems, that
one gossip session you were in on turns into a broken frienship, and mistrust,
now you feel like you're drowning and are so far from God...Ever feel that way?
All while satan's thinking, "I've got her right where I want her, drained & frustrated"
I laid in bed last night I was thinking of a million examples when I've been drowned with
personal problems, drama, or even a hectic schedule and how tired I felt. I remember during those
moments it was so hard to pray, it was so hard to read my bible,
it was just so tiring to think. During my prayer time last night God gave me wisdom to
understand the seriousness of staying focused on Him and not allowing what's surrounding you,
control you. Because once that door is open for satan to work, things compound.
Rest in Christ daily. No matter what's going on around you, focus.
Focus on His word daily, pray, witness, speak of Him etc, consume yourself with Him,
and remember when you're beginning to feel agitated & spiritually exhausted, get yourself
out of that trap...because you already know that's where satan wants you.
I pray whatever situation you're facing that God will give you clarity of mind,
peace, and strength to endure the fight. Keep your eyes fixed on Him and let everything
else fade away. 
2 Corinthians says
..." for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in
difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am made strong."
If you're weak in spirit today struggling with that spiritual exhaustion, I pray you
be made strong in Him now, in Jesus name, amen.

With love & prayer,

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