Thursday, June 3, 2010

Where will you take Jesus?

..."And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:20

Amazing right? Take a moment to really think about this verse. What does it really mean to you?...
It must have been a few weeks back that the Lord made this verse real to me.
I shared with my husband on our bed late one night about how I felt the Lord always
around me. He's not just a thought of a super power out there, He's not just someone I can
call on in time of need, or thank for all the good, He's not just someone I worship on Sunday's
and Wednesday's then casually read about. He's not just the only God I know exists out there in
the sky somwhere, BUT what he is, is REAL and always with me.
There are scriptures I read sometimes and think wow, that's a good word, or man thank you
God for being so caring and showing me how great you are. I 100% believe what I'm reading;
however, it's not exactly real at that moment.

Matthew 28:20 has become real to me, in that I don't just read this verse and advise others
 "Hey, don't feel lonely God's word says He's always with you." It's so
much more than that because He really is. Think about a person's day.
They wake up shower, go potty, feed the kiddos, maybe watch the news or whatever
 it is they do. Next they get dressed for the day, make some breakfast etc etc, all while
 not even realizing Jesus, is standing in their very presence. When you get in your car to
drive somewhere, He's with you, when you walk the dog, He's with you. When you are
at dinner, He's with you. Call me crazy, but I seriously can not go anywhere without thinking
Jesus is with me. So when
you think of what you do daily, places you go, think about this-- if you could see Jesus and
 if you had to take Him around with you everywhere, where would you take him?
I wonder if people really grasped this concept would they feel as comfortable partying,
going into a strip bar, night club? Most likely not.
The truth is, we can't see Him, but
He is in fact as real as ever. People probably think i'm nuts on the road because from
the outside looking in, it seems as though I'm talking to myself, but really I know that
Jesus is in my passenger side listening ;-) At night, I invite Jesus to sit or lay whichever
is more comfortable for Him :) on my bed and watch over us as we sleep. No, I'm
not crazy, I'm just aware of how real my God is and how real this verse is.  I hope
it becomes more real to you that He is in fact with you always, not everyother day,
not twice a week, but always 24/7 constantly following your every step.
The TV shows you watch He sees, the music you listen to He's listening to.
but lastly.. I just wonder where will you take Jesus today?

With prayer,

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