Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I have a question

So one question: What is faith?

I’m talking about REAL faith…Honestly I just recently got a better understanding.

My husband and I have been traveling lately because of the holidays and it seems like every time we set out to go visit family or take more than an hour drive some place it sets something off in my mind to start thinking. Anyone that knows me knows I like silence + deep thinking + staring out the window lost in my thoughts= my cup of tea : )

On our most recent road trip it was a little different. Stephen played his favorite Hillsong CD and it took just one song to realize how I viewed faith. I can’t remember the exact song right now, but what I do know is the song had nothing to do with the word faith as a matter of fact didn’t even mention it; yet, that’s the message I received. You see sometimes when we speak words or rather I prefer to say “when we speak life” we don’t even realize that those words are literally capable of transforming minds & hearts internally. Our words are SO important. Our words have power to influence both negatively or positively. The things we speak- matter. The things we think- make a difference! What you think is what you say and the more you say something-the more you believe it.

Going back to my road trip, the song, and my thoughts…I started thinking while the song played “wow there really are times I think I have faith, but do I really believe it?” I literally sat in silence with my eyes full of tears because I knew God was showing me my lack of faith in certain areas. At times maybe we think we have faith, but faith is only a word when there is no belief to make it real. We can think a million positive things, but ever notice how it takes one negative comment to kill our positive thinking? One example off the top of my head: A couple years back I was going in to take one of my teaching certification exams, and as I was driving I was thinking “ok I’m going to pass this test I can do it!” But during the test I actually said out loud “man this stinks I dunno if I’ll pass” My “faith-like thinking” didn’t matter because what I actually spoke is what I really believed. And guess what? It became my reality and I did not pass. I missed it by ONE point. God has a sense of humor, but I did end up passing the second time : )

There are soo many scriptures in reference to what we speak. I 100% believe in positive thinking, but more importantly what I have learned is my words matter more than I understood. They have power. They influence my BELIEF which supports my faith….But sometimes I agree that our belief is challenged often. Maybe sometimes we can’t see a certain situation bettering itself, we can’t see a change in a person we’ve been praying for, we can’t see things looking up for us financially, everything is stagnate, and soo many other things, but I understand that having faith & believing is really not about what we CAN see, and thank the Lord He so graciously prepared us with scripture to sustain us during those challenging times…

“We live by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7

But in order to have “that” faith and be able to dismiss our sights, (aka challenges) we have to honestly examine ourselves….

What do we think about? What words do we speak out loud? End result what do we really believe? question: do you have real faith?

With love & prayer,


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