Thursday, May 24, 2012

Chapter 1

The 2011-2012 school year is wrapping up and as I reflect back I can say as a first year teacher it was definitely not what I expected. It was more.
I can still remember the fast pace beating of my heart on August 22nd, 2011 as the first bell of the school year rang. It was 1st period and the student's began to trickle into my classroom. It was an unexplainable experience each class period to listen to each child introduce themselves to me as if they were saying, "Hi, my name is _____ and please remember God has placed you in my life not just to teach me the 7th grade Reading curriculum, but meaningful life lessons." And at the end of my day I remember thinking just that and also that these are 112 souls that God has placed in my care; what an honor and huge respondsibility.
I have seen first hand the hurt in a child's eye from the lack of attention at home, the struggles of trying to fit in, all the embarrassments and fears of an adolescent and I'll tell you the hardest thing about my job isn't redirecting the students, it isn't discipline, or grading and paperwork-it is not being able to save them all. With that being said, I consider this first year a success. Not because of the passing state test scores, but because I am walking away with a greater sense of compassion. I am walking away with more patience. I am walking away with more knowledge-these student's taught me just as much as I taught them. I am walking away with an eagerness to do more. And I am walking away with a smile because that student who never spoke to me for the whole first half of the year finally felt comfortable to open up and share her life with me. That student who always said,"I can't do that Mrs, I've never been able to- finally did "it". That student who felt ashamed of who they were blossomed and accepted their looks now carries a confident smile. That student who never really cared, now cares. That student who liked to bully, stands up for the ones being picked on. That student who never thought they'd pass the 7th grade, passed with flying colors.
It isn't the end of school in my book, it is simply chapter 1.

Mrs. Vanover

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