Thursday, October 22, 2009

When we are weak HE is strong.

"He heals the broken hearted and bandages their wounds." Psalm 147:3
"So don't worry, because I am with you. Don't be afraid, because I AM your God. I will make you strong and will help you; I will support you with my right hand that saves you." Isaiah 41:10

Deep down in my spirit I'm bothered. I've always had a burden for children, but here lately it's almost like unbearable I almost feel like I need to do something, but I ask myself what? It is beyond my ability to save every child that is or has been harmed, abused, or hurt. I watch the news and all it does is break my heart. There is without a doubt always a story or something terrible that has happened to a child. WHY? I look at my daughter every day and think who would want to hurt such a precious baby? I just don't understand...

Lord, you know how heavy my heart is. God- I don't understand so much that goes on in this world and maybe I'm not suppose to know everything, but I just pray your protection over every child in the universe as far as east to west north to south, send your angels concerning all of them God, they are so innocent, please cover them under your wings. This is my greatest desire.

It's been raining the last couple days. I love the rain, but only if I can stay in bed :) There is a strange thing about rain and what it does to me-I don't know why, but it has a way of making me sit and think. I get sleepy too, but I think and think so much when the weather is cloudy, gloomy or stormy. I naturally think 100 miles an hour as it is, but the rain makes me examine myself-makes me think about life, people, family, friends and where I'm headed in this life. Most of all-It makes me want Gods annointing to rain on me spiritually. I am so hungry for the Lord, I am never satisified. I guess that's a good problem to have, Jesus I love you.

During my break yesterday, I was lost in thought thinking I need to be more motivated during the challenging times when I'm burdened up to my neck because I never know when my words, my actions, or simply anything I do could be a turning point for someone around me. I like to post verses on my status's in Facebook or myspace as often as possible because I will never know if that is the only time people see any part of Gods word. What if someone stumbled across your personal belongings and found a verse or found something that impacted them, wouldn't it be amazing to stand before God at the end of your life and Him say, "Because of your small efforts, you created big results." and then He takes you by the hand to see the life that was changed because of Him of course, but also because of your obedient heart-Oh my stars, that blows my mind. This thought makes me refocus on my purpose on earth. It is to solely live for God, if I can do that then peace, happiness, joy, etc will surround me for He IS those things and so much more.

I am so excited about this Sunday! It will be my first day to be the new Sunday school teacher at my home Church (Christ the Rock) for 5th & 6th graders. Lord you know my hearts desires, My prayers are to make a difference in as many lives as possible, to reach out to these kids in sunday school, or even out in the community, to be a leader, to love them, to praise them when they do small things-big things-good things. I am so full of love for children I really do feel working in Childrens ministry is right where I need to be.

Lord, above all, thank you for the opportunity. Thank you that when I am weak you remain strong, YOU give me strength. Thank you for knowing me by name! Wow, who I am Lord that you would have a care in the world about me? BUT yet you do God, you are amazing, beyond words to describe- You guide me, protect me, you love me, you give me all that I need-I am forever grateful and in debt to you God. Anything I do, and everything I am may it be for your Glory. I love you Father. You are beautiful.

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