Friday, April 23, 2010

A fogged or clear path.

This morning I woke up thinking, I need to blog. Writing is a bit of a theraputic thing for me,
 So to lift my own spirits I like to dive into a devotional or allow God
to speak something to me, so I can in turn pour out into other's lives. I actually had nothing
on my mind to blog about, but I knew God would show me something soon.
This morning as I was heading off to work, I could barely see anything. The roads
were completely fogged over. It was blurry, messy, and nobody would be able to
see clearly.
Cars would all of a sudden come out of no where and I found myself saying, Lord
get me out of thisFOG! PATH
A few minutes later there was clarity. I could see clearly. The sun said hello, it was a nice
warm feeling. I could now see what was straight ahead of me. No more guessing, no
 wondering, I could see!
I began thinking of this and how it is a reality in our spiritual lives. While I was driving
 in the fog, it was honestly a little frightening--not having a clue where I was going, not being
 able to see if I was in the correct lane, or even heading the the right direction...
I never want to live my spiritual life in fog. I never want to feel that way again.

Today, I thinkof all the souls out there, that are walking down that foggy path. It's so
 unsure of,so unclear, and it's like they are drifting having no direction. That path will
one day cometo a dead end...
Then there is the another path, a path that I choose, because it is a choice.
"Stand at the crossroads and look;

ask for the ancient paths,
ask where the good way is, and walk in it,
and you will find rest for your souls.
But you said, "I will not walk in it."
Jeremiah 6:16

This path leads to righteousness, it has no dead end, but rather leads us to eternal life.
This path is clear, certain, and visible to everything. Nothing hidden. Which do you
choose? Do you choose this one?

Or this one?

God's Word says, "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road
 that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road
that leads to life, and only a few find it. Matthew 7:13 & 14

Because of sin in this world, God foresaw there was going to be
those rebelling souls that would not enter the narrow gate. That path is narrow,
just like the picture. It's funny how symbolic the pics are to my blog today.
Shouldn't God's path be more broad? You would think, but few chose this road or
 lifestyle. I am a very honest and transparent person. I don't hide anything from anyone I am
who I am and with that being said, being a Christian for me is not always easy. Sure,
you have more favor with God and such, but It is definitely
a daily struggle against my flesh and spirit. They are enemies.
 This path takes hard work & dedication, and many
times that is why people fall out. They choose the easy road, which is more broad,
but oh so foggy!
Today I want you to join me in prayer. Prayer for those walking down the wrong
path. Prayer for those drifting through this life without direction. God has called us
for a purpose and sadly some will never find it. Help me interceed, will you? There
are so many lost and broken souls that need the path of clearness.
They need your voice. You'll never know whose path you can help
change and lead to eternal life.
With love & prayer,

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