Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A beautiful soul

"...O man what is good--what does the Lord require of you? To act
justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8

When I meet an extraordinary person, someone above average, someone
who is almost too wonderful to be real-I want to make them an example.
What I mean by this is I have to make known exactly how amazing they are
so when I look back I'll never forget exactly how much they touched
my life. God is our ultimate example and there is no one that is
perfect like Him however recognizing when someone has impacted you in
such a way
...I just...have to write about it.

I have known this woman for about 3 months now. She is in her mid 40's,
heavier set, foreign, Godly, strong, humble and is just such a beautiful
being. I have never met anyone like her. Sometimes it is hard to
communicate because of the language barrier, but when she speaks it's
like my soul understands. My heart strings are pulled on and my eyes
fill with tears,
I often choke up and look away. I really hope she never thinks I'm not
listening because I'm the complete opposite. I'm fully tuned in.

Lagitafa Saina. That's her name. Amazing woman of God. Amazing. I use that
word to the most extreme. The first time I met her, I knew there was
something different about her. The saying "never judge a book by its cover"
plays no role on her, because she is such an open book for all to see. I
believe Christ is suppose to be reflected/shown in our lives. When people
notice, see, or come in contact with me I want them to see GOD, not Esther,
but He who dwells inside the very core of my being. That is exactly how Lagi (that's what I call her) lives her life and it is out of this world radical.
There has never been a time that I have met a person with such patience,
be so slow to anger, slow to judge, quick to make things better, shows such compassion, loves the Lord like I've never seen and isn't ashamed to show it matter who is around, she is the same. She is tactful though I noticed
that. She believes what she does, but always is careful how she represents
our Lord. That is something I believe people lack, tact in their salvation.

Futhermore--it seems as though nothing moves Lagi, come hail or high water-
God is her
strong foundation and I am just so grateful that I've had the chance to cross
paths with Lagi. You know..I've been thinking I know that God sends people
our way for a reason (whether good or bad). I've even blogged about "divine appointments" but in this case- I truly believe that God also sends angels
in disguise. I really do, that is the only way I can describe her. There will
be a day when Lagi will leave me, but I'll never forget her. Her embracing
hugs, warm smile, thoughtful comments and Godly influence. Lagi you may
never get the chance to read this, but know I admire you. You are the woman
I wish to become in Christ, and God definitely has his finger prints in your
life. Thank you for being who God has molded you to be, because there are
few like you. I honestly do not think you see how amazing you are maybe that
maybe because you are such a humble soul, but I know one thing--you are
beautiful. Inside and out. You're such a beautiful soul. God bless you always!


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